The newest development from coXist! Memory Lane Residence is a 3,000sqft 4 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom home with a garage and pool. We coined this home Memory Lane because it is located on the same street our family lived on when we moved to Austin over 9 years ago. This street and neighborhood brought us so many good memories, and we know it will bring new amazing memories to future homeowners as well.
Memory Lane is our modern take on the traditional neighborhood fabric. Although the brick base and pitched roofing speak about the neighborhood's original character, the home was designed around a modern Danish aesthetic. Large windows on either side of the A-frame fill the double-height living space and loft with light. The smaller pitch houses a one-car garage and the kitchen and dining room wing, with everything spilling out to the pool deck and outdoor living.
Location: Austin, Texas
Completed: Fall 2021
Details: New build Lot Size - 8,458 SF 3,000 sf single family home 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, family room 2 car garage Swimming Pool
Photos by Leonid Furmansky